Big news this week out of LA, as Christie Brinkley, the 60 (!) year old supermodel, mom and former Mrs. Joel (now you have Uptown Girl running through your head on continuous loop too- Ha!) injured her foot and posted it to Instagram for the world to see and discuss her injury and choice of toenail polish.

Ok celebrities, here are a few do’s and don’ts for you. Don’t snap pictures of your broken feet, or any other exposed body parts, unless you want the world to see them. Also, don’t just refer to your injury as a broken foot: “I broke my foot!” as Christie Brinkley did.  Be a little more specific. There are 26 bones in there, let’s have some details - it makes writing this blog so much easier. And finally, when you break a foot, don’t just waltz into your neighborhood ER for a long wait and nosy paparazzi, do come into your NYC podiatrist for efficient and expert treatment. Let’s talk about that a bit.

Foot fractures are quite common, as we have discussed in the past. Toe fractures are the most common, followed by metatarsal fractures. Fortunately these injuries heal very well with the right care- usually a comfortable shoe and taping for toe fractures, and a fracture boot for metatarsal fractures. Occasionally a displaced toe fracture needs to be re-aligned in the office, and a severely displaced metatarsal fracture may be best treated with surgery, but these severe injuries represent a small percentage of fractures. Of course there are more severe fractures of other parts of the foot that may be best treated with surgery. However, for the most part, most foot fractures can be treated conservatively and will heal very well.

So if you’ve injured your foot, unless it’s falling off or actively bleeding, or it’s past my bedtime, you may not need to go to the emergency room. Consider being a midtown girl, and let your NYC podiatrist, who’s not so tough, take care of that without the wait and bad TV.

See you in the office.
Ernest Isaacson