Settle down A-Rod, not that kind. The news here in NYC has been dominated by Alex Rodriguez and his alleged performance enhancing drug use. It’s the ultimate showdown - the MLB vs. A-Rod, Inc. Personally, I think all this drug use has made the game quite interesting considering the records that have been shattered and the even more engaging drama that unfolds off the field. Meanwhile, my Bosox have clinched the division. But that’s not what we’re discussing this week. This week, we’ll discuss the use of injectable corticosteroids, a common practice that will continue in my NYC podiatry office. Damn the hearings!

A typical day in your friendly local NYC podiatry office consists of the usual fare of heel pain (plantar fasciitis), tendonitis, strains, sprains and inflammation. And barring a frank rupture, tear, or fracture, most conditions will heal with time and RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Some conditions, however, need a bit of a boost to expedite healing which can be provided in the form of an injectable corticosteroid.

So what are these so called steroids?

Our adrenal glands, which are located on top of the kidneys, produce cortisol, which is a stress hormone that is secreted when the body senses trouble. The cortisol makes glucose more available for muscles and suppresses the immune system among other things. Think of the systems you might want in place if you were running away from a bear. Lots of quick energy, and not a lot of long-term building or disease fighting capabilities. Corticosteroids come in the form of pills such as Prednisone, creams like hydrocortisone or injectable medicines and they have the same effect and act as a synthetic form of cortisol. These substances are completely different from the steroids used with disastrous and unfortunate disregard by body builders and professional athletes.

Hydrocortisone creams are great for inflammatory skin conditions because they suppress the reaction. Oral corticosteroids are potent anti-inflammatory agents and are important in the short-term treatment of acute conditions and the long-term treatment of chronic conditions. Similarly, injectable steroids are great at reducing inflammation on a temporary basis, with a few important caveats.

Injectable cortisone is a very important tool that doctors have used for decades in the treatment of many types of inflammation with great benefits and minimal side effects. It’s important to differentiate between the side effects of oral and injectable corticosteroids, which we will do, and discuss the tremendous benefits of steroid injections in the next exciting and mind-blowing blog.

Meanwhile, Alex, if all that standing at the hearings hurts your heels, you know where to stop in for a shot…

See you in the office.
Ernest Isaacson