If you’ve been following the presidential race, and really, what else is there to do, you might also have noticed the abundance of Republican candidates. And here in NYC, we are cringing, horrified- and yet entertained on a visceral level- at our very own, the Donald. I for one find it refreshing that a candidate not only divulges his own personal fortune, his opinions about his intelligence, America’s standing with the world, immigrants from south of the border, other candidates’ war records, but now, his own avoidance of the Vietnam War draft thanks to- wait for it- bone spurs in his feet. And since this is a very serious blog, tackling the most timely and relevant topics affecting the feet of NYC patients and beyond, let’s talk about the feasibility of dodging the draft due to defective dogs.

We have spoken about heel spurs and plantar fasciitis ad nauseum in the hallowed annals of this most respected blog before. As a refresher, the heel spur is a byproduct of plantar fasciitis, the inflammation that affects the long band of connective tissue originating at the heel bone and continuing along the bottom surface of the feet. The pain is typically worse for the first few steps in the morning, and is treated with stretching exercises, orthotics and the dreaded cortisone injection. The operative word here, however is treated. This can be, but should not be, a debilitating chronic condition. The friend you have who suffered with plantar fasciitis for two years and had to drop out of the marathon due to pain and was absolutely miserable was not treated in my NYC podiatry office. There are many sound and proven treatments for this condition, and IMHO this would not be a disqualifier for the draft, all politics aside. Flatfeet have been a disqualifier in the past, but that also should not be, as was demonstrated in a landmark study dating back to 1945. Of course this might all be to the great chagrin of those wishing to avoid the draft back in the day, but I’m a doctor, not a politician Jim.

So without revealing my own personal political leanings, I’m a bit disappointed the Donald has- ahem- put his foot in his mouth so many times this early in the political cycle. I was quite hoping he would inject a little candor and entertainment value into the race and those stuffy old boring debates. I mean seriously, Bush looks at his watch, or Nixon forgets to shave and that’s big debate news? Ah well, it is what it is, as they say. And as they also say: Donald- you’re fired.

See you in the office.

Ernest Isaacson