And the livin’s easy, as they say. Or maybe not. Because at your local NYC podiatrist’s office we are just gearing up for the summertime fun, and aches and pains and sprains and strains. Now that Memorial Day has come and gone and the summer has been unofficially kicked off (Ha!), it’s a good time to talk about the agony of de feet (not my line). Here are a few things to remember as you are flipping burgers, flops and otherwise lounging around from now until Labor Day.

That itchy feeling between your toes may not be sand. Fungus likes warm wet places, like the bottom of feet and between toes. If you are generally susceptible to fungal infections of the skin, and your feet sweat, and the skin is itchy and peeling, it might be time to consider you may have the dreaded Athlete’s foot (No!). Not to worry, it’s easily treatable with over the counter or prescription anti-fungal medicine.

Flip flops are not ideal shoe gear. Yes I know it’s shocking. As I’ve said many times, most feet are more comfortable in a low heel, and most flip flops don’t have said heel. The feet that have been in a wedge or heel year round aren’t loving the flatness and lack of support of a flip flop. And you fellas need to consider covering those tootsies in public IMHO, just my personal opinion of course.

Your Mom was wrong about Epsom salt. If all my patients all walk around the mean streets of NYC barefoot all summer, chances are someone’s going to step on something that needs to be removed. Just bring those dogs in. Don’t try this at home, and no, Epsom salt does not “draw out” the foreign body. It does, however, make for an excellent laxative.

Well that is certainly not an exhaustive list of summer tips, but it will do for now. Perhaps I’ll think of a few more over the next few days and compile yet another fun-filled and thrilling post on the topic. Meanwhile, have some fun this summer, be as active as possible, and no matter what you do, don’t smoke! It’s even worse than exposing male toes in public.

See you in the office.
Ernest Isaacson