Big news out of the NY Giants camp a few weeks ago. Geoff Schwartz dislocated his big toe during a pre-season game. And across the NYC region, people everywhere are asking the big questions: who knew there was a Jewish football player? And with a brother yet who also plays (first time that happened since 1923)? It’s enough to make this NYC podiatrist kvell. But enough of that already, it gives me shpilkes. Let’s talk toes.
From the news reports on the injury, and the treatment rendered by the “renowned” foot doctor (not me, shockingly), it seems that Geoff may have sustained a turf toe type of injury. This type of injury involves a sudden upward flexion of the big toe which can lead to injury to the joint, ligaments, tendons and possibly sesamoid bones around the joint. It is a common football injury with varying degrees of severity. Soft tissue injuries can be treated conservatively with immobilization in a boot and physical therapy. More severe injuries may, in some cases require surgical repair, although this is less common. In case of a sesamoid bone fracture the healing time may be significantly increased due to the location of the bone under the big toe joint and relatively poor blood supply. X-rays can help determine the bone injury and MRI can provide a definitive picture of the soft tissue and bone injury. For us mere mortals, return to activity may occur in a few weeks, while this injury can potentially end a season for a professional football player such as our lantzman Geoff. It is possible to run and play with a fused or even absent big toe, however it is quite difficult to play at a professional level with a painful and less than functional big toe joint.
So Geoff, my holy brother, we wish you all the best for a speedy recovery and a return to play. You should only hear good news from all your renowned doctors. And if all that fails, this NYC podiatrist has a mean chicken soup that heals almost all wounds.
See you in the office.
Ernest Isaacson